Active Projects

AIAG’s unique position as a convener of automakers and suppliers provides us the ability to bring our members together to develop common solutions for industry challenges, both national and international.

Looking to participate or inquire for more information about Corporate Responsibility projects? E‑mail us!

Corporate Responsibility Steering Committee

| Volunteer Status: Open

AIAG’s corporate responsibility initiatives are guided by a CR Steering Committee, which is facilitated by AIAG and comprised of senior staff volunteers from our member companies, representing OEMs and suppliers. The Committee, along with its advisory and workgroups of members and subject matter experts address industry issues in three core issue areas: Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability.  We welcome new member OEMs and suppliers to join this group.  For more information, click here.

Responsible Materials Work Group & Subgroups

| Volunteer Status: Open

This workgroup (formerly known as the Conflict Minerals Workgroup) has recently expanded its scope to assist with raw materials sourcing beyond conflict minerals to comply with regulatory influences (US, EU, China, and others) plus non-legislated materials (e.g., cobalt, mica). This workgroup of OEMs, suppliers, service providers and professional firms actively engage industry and global stakeholders to fulfill the mission of the workgroup. We encourage OEMs and suppliers to make the commitment to join this industry effort.  For more information, click here.

Forced Labor / Human Rights Group

| Volunteer Status: Open

A cross-functional group of Sustainability and Customs/Trade professionals collaborate to address forced labor and human rights issues throughout the Global Supply Chain. We eagerly seek new participating OEM and supplier volunteers.

Deliverable(s): Training & 3rd Party Preferred Providers

Chemical Management & Reporting Advisory Group

| Volunteer Status: Open

Provides information and resources to keep the industry abreast of existing and emerging global regulations and provide an assessment of their impact. This group also delivers input into IMDS and has a direct connection to the IMDS Steering Committee. This group is open to new members.  For more information, click here.

International Material Data System (IMDS): Recommendation & Documentation Subgroup

| Volunteer Status: Open

A diverse group of subject matter experts who discusses IMDS related issues and/or enhancements to better improve efficiency of the IMDS system.  This group is open to new members.  For more information, click here.

IMDS Conference Planning

| Volunteer Status: Open

This group of OEMs, suppliers and service providers provide industry insight to shape the content shared at the IMDS (International Material Data System) Conference. This group is open to new members.

Deliverable(s): 2025 IMDS Event

Supplier Alliance

| Volunteer Status: Open

This committee works globally with JAPIA, CLEPA to provide feedback to the IMDS SC on specific issues that impact suppliers. This group is open to new member suppliers. 

Environmental Sustainability Advisory Group

| Volunteer Status: Open

OEMs and suppliers collaboratively facilitate common industry approaches to incorporate environmental sustainability throughout the supply chain— through the benchmarking of energy, water, and waste reduction or taking a more comprehensive approach to addressing sustainability at an industry level. We encourage member OEMs and Suppliers to participate.  For more information, click here.

Water Subgroup

| Volunteer Status: Open

This group consists of member OEMs and suppliers that benchmark water activities within manufacturing facilities. The group also develops resources to reduce water usage to preserve our environment and protect against rising costs.  Suppliers are encouraged to participate with this group to collaborate with OEMs.  For more information, click here.

Deliverable(s): Benchmarking

Greenhouse Gas Reporting Work Group

| Volunteer Status: Open

OEMs and suppliers in this group assists the supply chain with calculating and reporting GHG Emissions and develop strategies to reduce carbon footprints.  This group is open to new member volunteers.  For more information, click here.

Waste Management

| Volunteer Status: Open

This workgroup will work with the supply chain to assist with minimization of waste and increase recycling. The group is open to new member volunteers.